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To do our duty,
not to interfere with the divine duty
Unsere Aufgabe erledigen,
Gottesaufgaben nicht einmischen

Our Activities
Our history
Unsere Schwesterseiten /Our Sister Sites :
When it comes to Education and Service Activities
''He who does not correct himself cannot correct others.“
According to our main rule, it is generally based on Risale-i Nur...
• Guidance and Consultancy Services
• Family and child education before and after marriage ,
• Sportive, Cultural and Religious educational activitiesas well as
• ''Mother and Father Schoolunder the name "parentsofself-cultivationforward,
And while raising their children they can follow way and methods
many likematerial Andspiritual education We provide services.
In Turkey and Europe
Young people in families of Turkish origin live in their own small worlds.
While successfully completing their financial education
''He who created the mosquito's eye also created the Sun.saying “
It draws the eye's attention from looking at the meaning by its letter instead of its name.
We are trying to show you the way.
On the other hand
''genuine taste Andtaste without pain Andjoy without sorrow
Andhappiness in life alone is in faith Andtruths of faith
It is located in the apartment“Presenting its truth to the eyes, lessons of faith and
We are trying to remind them that they should not neglect their spiritual education.
To our people
“Life capital is very small. There are many necessary tasks“
bringing the truth closer to their minds, as well as their bodies,
culture andimproving your beliefsAndpreservationtogether with
We show you ways to live with different people.
The beauties of Islam and our culture
Risale-i Nur axisBy living in,
We want to show it to European people.
''A work that will save us in the afterlifeIf we don't have it,
Appreciating the works we leave behind in the mortal worldme
The target is of Turkish origin, born or raised in Europe
and a westerner or European who completed their education in Europe
As Muslims, we are trying to serve.
''A magnificent and unfortunate continent, a glorious and unfortunate state,
the prescription of a valuable and abandoned tribe; Unity of Islam“saying,
Since 1992, in the heart of Europe, Germany
Baden-Württemberg AndRhineland-Palatinate in the states and
Since 2005Nordrhein-Westfalenin the state
We carry out many educational activities with great devotion.
For many years, like thirty to forty years
„Of an exposed century, of a sick element, of a weak limb“
To our people who feel their pain especially in Germany and Europe,
''your prescriptionfollowing the Qur'an“, with many of our activities
We are trying to help them understand.
Good Lessons

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