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Information about our name
In Turkish :

Risale-i Nur Madrasa
English :
Academy for Risale-i Nur

German :
Akademie für Risale-i Nur

German "Academy" in the dictionary :
''Öffentlich geförderte und private bzw. ''freie“
Forschungs-, Lehr-, Bildungs- und  Ausbildungseinrichtung“

Turkish "Academy" in the dictionary :
''Supported by the state or private individuals or institutions
It means "research, education and training institution".  
Turkish ''Madrese'' in the dictionary :
Medium and high in Muslim countries
It is the general name of the educational institutions where education is provided.
The word madrasa comes from the Arabic root lesson (درس).
Arabic "Madrasa" in the dictionary :
(von arabisch ‏مدرسة‎ madrasa, pl. madāris; turkish madrasa)
Ist das arabische Wort für Schule.
Die wörtliche Bedeutung lautet : ''Ort des Lernens“.
Im Westen wird das Wort auch oft mit dem Typus der
islamischen religiösen Hochschule gleichgesetzt.
Higher education venues in the Ottoman Empire
madrasa as it is calledRisale-i Nur training is carried out
places and places in generalmadrasa It is said.

"Academy"And "Madrasah" After giving the dictionary meanings of the words
now the second word in our name  "Risale-i Nur"the word
We can try to understand. To fully understand this word,
The most beautiful of our centuryQuran InterpretationRisale-i Nur Collection, which is
leastseveral times It is necessary to read it with good intentions.

We are,
The All-Wise Qur'anof and

Risale-i Nur servantWe are.

"Sayyidul tribe hadimuhum"
'Lord of a people
to them
service ''
( Deylemî, Musned, II, 324 )

On this occasion,
you are
Risale-i NurFame
soothing and relaxing
Inviting you to the world
Author is deceased

Bediuzzaman Said Nursigood
We remember you with mercy and gratitude.


Who Are We
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