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To do our duty,
not to interfere with the divine duty
Unsere Aufgabe erledigen,
Gottesaufgaben nicht einmischen

Course Rules
Unsere Schwesterseiten /Our Sister Sites :
Course Rules
1. Teacherif he says
on time future,
teacher not arriving on time
He will not attend the class.
2. Less than a minute into the lesson.
student who stays too late
They will not be allowed into the classroom.
3. The right to absenteeism
after usinglesson
up to time one time
special including, additional
An excuse will be given.
Lesson 4together
get ready will be processed.
Without speaking during class
will not be spoken,
someone is talking in class
his word will not be interrupted
and will not be interfered with.
Especially the harsh reaction to show
and will strain the classroom environment
to behave
wrong attitudes such as
will never be allowed.
5. Every opinion, every comment
and every evaluation
respect will be shown,
open to criticism will be;
But the criticisms are hurtful
not, it will be constructive.
What needs to be said
A very serious criticism
If so, in the presence of the class
and not in a degrading way,
It will be sent specifically to that person.
In 6th gradebe ideological
or partying like
prejudiced from behaviors
to be avoided, but ideas
and opinions freely
will be discussed.
7.Material or spiritual in the sense,
people who have any problems,
Call your friends or friends for help
the teacher of the lesson
will inform,
having such a special situation
together for students
A solution will be produced.
8.Research groups
will create,
scientific studies and
to social activities
support will be given.
9. reading books and
investigation studies
will be done,
these are in class
would be evaluated.
10. Success in the classroom
students showing,
againcommon class
will be rewarded by the decision.
11. Decisions, vote
mostly will be taken.
12. Those who do not comply with the decisions,
by common determination of the class
will be punished.
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