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Unsere Schwesterseiten /Our Sister Sites :

If the purpose is to reach Allah Almighty , there are many ways to reach Allah Almighty. All rights are taken from the Qur'an. Tarik: It means the road. Tarikat: It means the ways to go. True Sects taken from the Qur'an and means ways to go.
Anmeldung /Registration procedures
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To our Taekwondo Academy
1. First of all
Answers to questions Did you write and send it?
Haben Sie Antworten auf die Fragen geschrieben und gesendet ?
2. Second
If you sent it, you did a great job.
Then you can continue from page 6.
Wenn Sie es gesendet haben dann ist es Gut.
Dann können sie mit der sechste Seite fortfahren.
3. Second
If you haven't sent it, you won't understand our style of education.
Wenn Sie dies nicht getan haben,
werden Sie unseren Unterrichtsstil nicht verstehen können.
''Problems cannot be solved by postponing them until a generation later''

''He who cannot discipline his soul,
He cannot discipline anyone else.”
''Even on a journey of a thousand kilometers,
"It starts with one step"
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